Next Meeting – April 14, 2025

“Birds and Well-Being” with Mardelle Shepley, Ph.D.

If you prefer to attend via Zoom, we have set up a simultaneous Zoom connection to broadcast the in-person meeting. You may join the Zoom anytime after 6:30 pm:  TBA

See our Meetings page for more information about the topic and speaker.

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Brewster and via Zoom

Doors open at 6:30pm so you may mingle with other members and the Board, enjoy refreshments, and pick up information.

Check out our Walks page for upcoming bird walks led by club members, which are held throughout the year.

Teen Birding Camp Scholarship

2025  Mountains to Sea – Birding for Teens  June 29 – July 4, 2025   (age 14-17)

We are pleased to announce the Cape Cod Bird Club (CCBC) is offering scholarships for two Cape Cod school students to attend a bird-watching and natural history camp in Bremen, Maine. We are asking for your assistance in helping us find worthy candidate(s).

The successful students will receive a full-tuition ($1,725) scholarship to attend the Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens camp June 29 – July 4, 2025 at the Hog Island Audubon Camp in Bremen, Maine, For information about the camp, go to Mountains to Sea Teen Birding Camp.

To see more information, and download an application, go here.


Join or Renew Online!

In addition to joining the club via US Mail, you may now join or renew online with either a PayPal account or credit card.  The checkout process is done with PayPal, but you do not have to have a PayPal account to use it. The club has no access to your credit card information, and no credit card information is stored on the club’s website.

Go to Join Online from either the menu above (Join –> Join Online), or clicking here.